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2018/6/21 15:13:00



 I don't take him too seriously。
  Something's fishy。
  I don't pay much attention to what he says. *pay attention to…“对……严加注意”、“对……留意”。
  What makes you say that? (你为什么这么说呢?)
  It sounds funny to me。
  Do you think she's serious? (你想她是认真的吗?)
  Really? *“真的吗?”。询问对方的语气,也常说Oh, really?
  Are you kidding? (是说着玩吧?) *kid 常来表示“耍弄,开玩笑”。
  I wouldn't bet on it。
  I don't think he is telling the truth. (我认为他没说真话。)
  He's 38. (他38岁。)
  I won't buy that story. (我不会信他的话的。)
  Are you joking?
  It's iffy. *非常随便的说法。
  But, it's true. (可那是真的呀。)
 Are you serious? (你是认真的吗?)*有些怀疑对方的语感。
  I smell a rat. *smell a rat 为短语,表示“感到有可疑之处”、“事情很可疑”的意思。
  I don't think so. (我不这样认为。)
  It sounds fishy to me. (听起来很可疑。)
  Nothing this good ever happens, it must be a mistake. (不会有这么好的事,一定是搞错了。)
  Really? (真的?)
  I don't trust him。
  He said she is his sister. (他说她是他的妹妹。)
  It's so unbelievably good that there has to be something wrong. (哪有这么便宜的事!)
  I won't buy that story. *此处的buy表示“相信(believe),当真”,而不表示“买”,口语中常用。
  I won't buy that story. (我不信他的话。)
  I don't believe him。
  Do you think you'll get a raise? (你觉得你能涨工资吗?)
  Are you serious?
  Are you joking? (开玩笑呢吧?)
  She told me she likes you. (她告诉我她喜欢你。)
  Do you think she's serious?
  I don't buy it。
  I won't believe that story。
  I think he is lying. (我认为他在说谎。)
  It sounds fishy to me. *fishy 除了表示“鱼的,像鱼的”之外,它还有“靠不住的,可疑的”意思。
  What do you think? (你怎么想?)
  It's doubtful!
  Do you mean it? (是真的吗?)
  I won two tickets to Hawaii! (我赢了两张去夏威夷的票。)
  I doubt it. *表示对别人的话抱有怀疑的心情。
  It's too good to be true. (有这么好的事!)
  It's chancy. *俚语。
  I quit my job. (我把工作辞了。)
  I don't take him very seriously。
  I want to break up with you. (我想和你分手。)
  Are you sure? *“敢肯定吗?”,想要确认的心情,要比上句稍强。
