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2018/5/8 17:27:00




Using the right word can matter. Using the wrong word can matter even more. I once lost a potential gig because I used "who" instead of "whom" in a proposal letter.

选词正确至关重要,然而用错了词,就更不能忽视了。笔者曾经错失了一个潜在的演出机会,原因是我在提案里把 “whom”而误用成 “who”了。

Even just one incorrectly used word--especially when you're trying to make a great impression--can ruin everything. Is that unfair? Yes... but it does happen.


To make sure that doesn't happen to you, I've collected some of the most common incorrectly used words from other posts into one epic post.

Here we go.



Good and well


Good is an adjective that describes something; if you did a good job, then you do good work. Well is an adverb that describes how something was done; you can do your job well.

good是形容词,用于修饰某件物品或事情,如果你的工作出色,那就是do good work. Well是副词,用于修饰某件事情的完成程度,你可以很出色地工作,就是用well。

If and whether


If and whether are often interchangeable. If a yes/no condition is involved, then feel free to use either: "I wonder whether Jim will finish the project on time?" or "I wonder if Jim will finish the project on time?" (Whether sounds a little more formal in this case, so consider your audience and how you wish to be perceived.)

if和whether常常互换使用。如果条件是yes/no的,那么两个词都可以使用:I wonder whether/if Jim will finish the project on time?(我想知道Jim能否按时完成任务?)在这种情况下,whether听起来更正式点,所以你得考虑到听众以及你想达到的效果。

And always use if when you introduce a condition. "If you hit your monthly target, I'll increase your bonus," is correct; the condition is hitting the target and the bonus is the result. "Whether you are able to hit your monthly target is totally up to you," does not introduce a condition (unless you want the employee to infer that your thinly veiled threat is a condition of ongoing employment).

如果想描述一个条件的时候,使用if。“If you hit your monthly target, I’ll increase your bonus.”(如果你达到了月度销售目标,我就增加你的奖金。)这种用法是正确的。条件就是达到销售目标,增加奖金是结果。“Whether you are able to hit your monthly target is totally up to you.”(无论你能否达到月度销售目标,这完全取决于你自己。)这就不是一个表示条件的句子(除非你希望员工从中领会到这是一个关乎职业前景的潜在条件)。

Imply and infer


The speaker or writer implies, which means to suggest. The listener or reader infers,which means to deduce, whether correctly or not.

演讲者或作家 “implies”,意味着暗示。听众或读者 “infers”,意味着去推断,无论方式正确与否。

So I might imply you're going to receive a raise. And you might infer that a pay increase is imminent.


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